A pplication -Military police and shooting training -IPSC-IPDA-3GUNS shooters training -Shooting experience area of National Defense Education Base -Shooting En...
The Intelligent Laser Sensing Target can be used in conjunction with L17 laser simulator, SP 9mm laser training tube, SP laser training bullets and other laser ...
Auto Reaction Laser Training Tube(Built-in) Product Description Laser shooting training is one of the best assistanttraining for militarypolice and shooting ent...
1.PROFILE SPECIAL PIE M4P1 Airsoft Timing System consists of a shot timer and a stop plate. M4P1 is used for timing in shooting such as airsoft, water bomb and ...
Tactical Noise Cancelling Earplug Noise Cancelling Pick Up Sound Earplugs is designed for firearm shooting training. The mechanical frequency selective transmis...
交互智能平板 集高性能电脑,红外真多点触摸和1080P高清LED显示器于一身,加上其时尚超薄的外观设计,使它轻易从同类产品中脱颖而出。一般适用于小型教室,会议室和展示室,利于
多点红外触摸屏 1、红外触摸屏采用固体结构,是为适合各种大尺寸和超大尺寸显示器而设计的新型触摸方案,用于将大尺寸的显示器如LCD、LED、PDP、投影(正投、背投)等转变为一个大
M16智能投影机 一款支持4G、GPS、电梯内外播放,自动识别电梯门开关的智能投影 M16是微型智能投影机,采用最新LED光源和细腻的DLP显示技术,实现了200流明高亮度和出色的视频画质显示
P9是全球首款最短焦距,最高流明的LED投影机。 交互投影一体机最主要的应用仍然集中在教学和商务会议。P9采用LED新光源,无需灯泡耗材,解决了传统投影一体机的维护问题。超短焦
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